Your business card is the most important piece of marketing collateral you will ever have. It seems like a simple statement but it remains true. It is the first impression anyone will have of you and your company. Because of this, you not only want great design but you want your cards printed in the most effective and highest quality manner available.
- Too many small business owners and entrepreneurs make the tragic mistake of thinking that this is a do-it-yourself project. Sure, you may be a heck of a carpenter or shoe store owner but what do you really know about marketing, effective design and printing? These do-it-yourselfers are quick to run out and buy “business card” stock from a nearby office supply store, slap something together and then inkjet print them. These, unfortunately, look exactly like what that process entailed.
- Printing, basically, involves the manipulation of the colors blue, red, yellow and black into millions of unseen patterns to create every other color imaginable. The inkjet printer lays down these four colors onto the card or paper all at the same time. While it tends to look fine to the untrained eye, you will be able to see a huge difference when your cards and collateral are printed using commercial offset printing methods such as offset lithography.
- Using offset lithography means that your cards or collateral will be fed through the press several times so that each color is placed seperately so the crispness, the sharpness, of your piece stands out and is noticeable. People really do notice the difference between a homemade effort and the quality of professional offset printing.
- In addition to the quality of the business card or marketing collateral, commercial offset printing allows you so many other options to make yourself stand out from engraving to thermography to unusual colors and raised letters and graphics. Why would you leave something so important to your future to anything other than a professional presentation?