How Well Are Your Print Ads Working?

print shop NH

As the number one print shop in NH, our team at The Print Factory has helped businesses gain visibility since 1985. Perhaps one of the biggest challenges faced is advertising. However, with an effective marketing strategy and an NH print shop to assist with competitive and attractive print ads, you’ll be off to a great start.

While most small businesses continue to use a local print shop to extend their reach, the same principles can be transferred to create an effective ad campaign for your online audience. And, as we all know, we’re living in a digital world. The sole purpose of an ad has a more in-depth purpose than ever before. This change is due to businesses needing to appeal both paper and online audiences.


The sole purpose of your ad campaign is two-fold. The first is to persuade your audience to take action. Your goal is to drive them to your website or your physical location. The second purpose is to create name recognition, while establishing your brand identity.


When creating the perfect ad, one must consider the mind’s eye – how it travels and what your audience will see first. Generally, the first part of the ad that draws attention is the headline, followed by a caption. Think of your ad as a “Z” – critical information is placed to the top left and works its way along the outline of the Z. With this outline, you present your purpose concisely. The final, or bottom part of the Z is your call to action.


The use of visuals is critical to the success of your campaign. The visuals or graphics draw immediate attention, luring the eye onto your ad. An effective technique is using two thirds of the space as being composed of arresting art and a compelling headline leading down to the smaller call to action.

If you’re looking for a way to boost your visibility, it’s time to visit the number one print shop in NH, The Print Factory. Since 1985 we’ve proudly assisted hundreds of businesses across the greater Nashua area in reaching their goals. Expertise combined with dedication from a team that knows the ins and out of ad campaigns, The Print Factory is here to help.

For more information or to request your free quote, contact us today at (603) 880-4519.